
Showing posts from January, 2015

Selfie, selfie, let me take a selfie.... Lol


I know it really has been a while but...

I have been busy. My daughter became ill over the holidays and my blog just took a back seat. However, now she is better and I am getting back on track. I attended an eating well event on this past week. The dietitian prepared a delicious meal. Sweet potato and black bean chili served over brown rice and salmon patties with dill dressing. Healthy food that taste great!!! I can't wait to replicate these recipes! 

It's A NEW YEAR... 2015

I am the one that needs the reality check! One of my goals for 2015 is to get back on track. I haven't been to a support group meeting for a while and tonight I attended the meeting. I filled out a self assessment on post op care for wls patients. Then wrote some smart goals to assist with getting back on track. The focus of the meeting was to get back on track and start the year off correctly.