This post is really not directly weight loss related, but during my mediation this morning before work, I started to reminese about my childhood. My cousins, friends, and I would spend countless hours playing outside. Often times we would sit on the porch and "play pretend" games. We often would say, "the next car that is going come by is going to be my car", or If in a car, the next house that we pass would be my house or the type of house that we would like in. We would often get the Jcpenny Christmas book and would have our Christmas list all made out based on what we wanted. As we got older,Often times, we would chastise each other about relationship and boy friends . We would often discuss how things were going to be when we were grown women. Let me fast forward about 25 years. We are ALL successful women doing our own thing!!! Often I look over my life, my mistakes and the obstacles that I have overcome and I real...