
Showing posts from June, 2013

Another great bargain

Look what I found today at Kroger... Yes yes!!!yes!!!...8 ounce containers! I am too excited!  Don't you just love when you are able to accurately measure your portions? I know I do.. If you haven't pick up on this by now... Portion control is one of my areas of weakness but if I'm able to accurately measure my food intake it helps me out in the long run. I just had to share with my baratric friends And to anyone who is working to measure their portions for weight control management.

A typical day in my pouch

Breakfast.. 2 slices of turkey bacon, 4 oz grits and cheese, 1/2 egg. Lunch.. 4 oz shrimp and cocktail sauce, 1 corn on the cob protein shake Snack...almonds  Snack.. Sugar free fudge pop

I am in my Zone and loving it!!

Stylin my clearance rack dress!!Check out my $5.00 ELLE dress that I got from Kohls! It was more to have the dress altered than what I paid for the dress. I love great bargains!

It's Friday!!

It's Friday and it's payday!! Thank U Jesus!! On Friday's I generally plan my meals for the week. On Saturday I go to the market to purchase my items and I prep and prepare them over the weekend. I used this technique so that I have no excuse for not following my plan! I use the 3 P's ~plan, prep, and prepare. I am teaching summer school and this is the first week so I only got a chance to work out once. I feel better when I work out before work. It does not work for me in the afternoons because it is so hot. I find  myself setting the alarm early getting my workout in. This gives me a chance to have some much deserved ME time, gives me a chance to mediate, and adds a boost of energy to my day. With that being said, let's make it happen!! Have a great and productive weekend.. I know I will.. Smooches!!

Portion Control

I am super exited! I bought these small casserole dishes  YEARS AGO!!! I found them in the cabinet at my parents house. ANYWAYS!! I used them to create some spagetti squash spagetti for dinner. Each casserole dish is 12 onces.These   containers are the perfect size to assist me with my portion control.For the dish, I used spagetti squash as the pasta, turkey meatballs, and spagetti sauce. It's amazing how sometime we have the correct tools foe weight loss, but use them incorrectly.Thank God, I am using my tool to the best of my abilty. My daughter did not really like the spaghetti squash,but I bet if I would not have told her the difference, she would have enjoyed eating it.