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Year 9

Today I am celebrating my 9th year of having weight-loss surgery. I had gastric bypass on July 13, 2011. My entire life I have always struggled with weight management. After have TWO Pulmonary embolisms and one DVT, I made the decision to have WLS and it has totally given me a renewed perspective on life.      Be mindful I am not a  doctor ;however  ,this  pertains to MY journey . I am not perfect by any means  necessary,  however these nuggets keep me grounded:   My 9  NUGGETS  Of  TRUTH about WLS:       Measure ALL foods. (Believe it or not, I still have my small food containers and when I don’t measure, my clothes CAN tell it๐Ÿ˜‚)   Self-Worth; cannot be affiliated  with sizes .  I have been a size 2 and I’ve also been a size 22.   3. Movement is important. Find something that you like to do and do it. No one wants to do anything that they do not enjoy. For example,  I walk  religiously 3-4 days.   4. Make yourself a priority. (I am still working on this  one because  I wear many hats