Year 10

Allow me to be t ransparent, weight management is a daily struggle( it always has been). My journey is the epitome of a roller coaster, with numerous ups and downs . Lately, I have been hard on myself because after having COVID, I have gained 5 lbs since December (not measuring food, and not drinking enough water). I met with my medical doctor last month and she opened my eyes and informed me that I have a tool, “ use it”. She said, “Whatever you have done previously; keep it up. Whatever you are doing to gain; only you have control of your destiny; make better decisions.” She opened my eyes to when I first came to her in 2003 and through discussion she was able to remove some profile items off my medical chart: sleep apnea ( gone); pre diabetes (gone); lower blood pressure ( yes, I am on a lower dose),cholesterol issues ( gone). This is my big take a way: Celebrate the good; refocus the areas that need improvement; continue riding the roller co...