
Showing posts from July, 2014

Be Consistent

Research states that in order for something to become a habit, one must participate at least 21 days.... Consistently... I often hear my friends speak of wanting to exercise, but not having the time or energy to complete it. However, after evaluating how a person's time is spent, there IS some time to exercise. It doesn't have to be in a gym. It can be walking, cleaning up, or running errands.  Perhaps parking farther away from stores and walking from the car to the store. I try to exercise at least 3 days a week. My exercise consists of walking 1 mile, and lifting arm weights at least once or twice a week.  I enjoy social media sites such as Facebook, and Instagram... Just as everyone else... it is so easy to sit down and lose time surfing the internet, that same time can be used to exercise. NO EXCUSES! Let's do this! The key to success... Be consistent! Schedule it. This is your time for your growth. 

Weight gain

This week I have been off track, eating out due to vacation, not limiting portion sizes, not drinking all of my decaffeinated tea, coffee, and water. So this morning, I got up drank 8 ounces of water, took my vitamins, and headed to the gym. I am going to call this: # operation HELL no move that scale!!!! I have gained 5 pounds! I am sure is water and sodium retention! However, I am back on track. I will: drink at least 64 oz of water, up my protein intake, get in all my vitamins, and measure my portions. I will not eat out all week! #operationHELLnomove that scale is in full effect. 

What's your passion?

Several days ago I went to a question and answer seminar for a upcoming company. I had never been into the company or heard of its existence until I went to the question and answer seminar. One of the questions that with asked casually to the group was, "what is your passion? "What is the one thing that you enjoy doing? The one thing that if you had to get paid for it, you wouldn't believe that you're receiving money for this particular job. I started thinking... Hum... I'm passionate about education because I've been teaching for the last 15 years, I am passionate about my daughter and being a single parent . It is to my up most benefit that I maximize time along with resources in order to provide an effective life for her. I started thinking what else is it that I am passionate about. I am passionate about leading a healthy lifestyle, eating healthy, a  healthy mindset and healthy attitude.  I am also passionate about trying out or playing with bariatric foo...

Roasted Garlic Chicken Spagetti squash

I absolutely love experimenting with food. This recipe calls for pasta but I decided to substitute with spaghetti squash! Eating healthy DOES NOT have to be boring!!!

July 13, 2014

  Today is my 3 year surgery anniversary. God has been sooo good to me. Thank you Jesus for the journey, the tool, and the ability to make healthier food choices. Is it easy? NO WAY!!!! Everyday is a challenge, and I accept the challenge.

Limeade Oreo cookies

Yummy! I could Not resist! I should have, but I didn't.

It's the 4th of July!

It's the 4th of July!!! Make some wise choices and do not let one day deter you from your goals!! Don't forget to get in that water!!( I am making it my goal for today to get mine in before 2:00 p.m.) Enjoy!!