Ouch I totally screwed up !!

My mother makes the best bananna pudding. Today I indulged in it a lil bit too much. At first, I measured off a 2 oz portion. Well that wasn't enough, and I ate too much. Whenever I eat too much sugar, I get so sleepy and I wake  up totally disoriented... Well that is exactly what happened. Whose fault was it? MINE! I am totally blaming myself! I will know better next time! I hate when I get sleepy. I call it a "sugar coma" because it takes a while for the effects to wear off... Lesson learned: enjoy sweets but portion control is the key! My eyes were bigger than my appetite and my mind was not in total control. I should have been more responsible. So what is my next step? To get up and keep it moving! One bad mistake is not going to deter me from my over all goal of being healthy. I started blogging about gastric bypass because I wanted to share the good, bad, and the ugly. Banana pudding and my new pouch... Do not mix :( be blessed 


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