You can't Judge A Book By It's Cover

The other day I was in Publix picking up some chicken for a family planned event at my parents home. There was a little girl and her mom in line in front of me. They were trying to decide whether they would purchase fried chicken or rotisserie chicken. I commented to them that the fried chicken sure does look delicious. The mom responded," it looks good, it tastes great, but we do not need to have fried food today because we've already had fried food one day this week." I told her," I totally understand."She turned and looked at me up and looked at me down just trying to check me out and she said , "you wouldn't understand what I'm talking about, you have no issues with your weight."I just laughed to myself and thought.... if she only knew what I knew:)  The moral of the story is you can't judge a book by its cover and the grass always looks greener on the other side.


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