Watch Yo Mouth!
Ephesians 4:29 states: New Living Translation
Don't use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them.
Every year on the last day of school, I have my students to complete a survey on me. The survey is for my professional development as I plan for the next academic year. One student of mine told me that she will never forget what I told her " a goal is nearly a dream without a deadline
". I occasionally used quotes in my power points to make journal topics. Words that are conveyed to others are very powerful. I had to reflect upon my goals, dreams, and aspirations. Do I have a deadline or time attached to them? What are some goals that you would like to accomplish and have you attached a deadline to them?
Children are fragile and harsh words CAN and WILL be powerful in speaking damnation to the kids. Use words carefully because you do not want them to become reality. The tongue is a powerful weapon. It can be used to uplift or it can be used to be negative and destroy.
Wednesday ,my seven year old daughter wanted to take a swim test at the Y. She was extremely apprehensive about jumping into the 7 feet swimming down to 5 feet. I quickly told her, "you got this! You can do anything you want to do just put your mind to it." My daughter jumped into the water and passed the swim test .
Now let me relate this to weight loss, speak encouraging words about exercise, water intake, food choices. " "you got this!"
Remember watch yo mouth and speak uplifting words to be an encouragement to others and yourself ! Enjoy your day!
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