Kidney stones

I just wanted to share with you my issues that I have the last couple of weeks. I had a female surgery done that is totally unrelated to my gastric bypass surgery. I started having cramps in the lower part of my left abdomen one Saturday night. I went to the ER and was treated for urinary infection. I had an allergic reaction to the antibiotic that was given to me in the ER and was rushed through ambulance back to the hospital the following day.  I spent 24 hours in the hospital doing additional test to make sure that I didn't have any more problems. I came home and followed up with my regular primary care physician. Four days later I started having the same pain in my lower left abdomen. I drove myself to the hospital to the ER to see what was going on. Low and behold I have a kidney stone. Lesson learned: drink, drink, drink, and drink ,drink drink more water!!! I am supposed to follow up this Thursday with my gastric bypass doctor, hopefully by the end I will have pants this kidney stone! I came home this weekend and did some research, kidney stones can be affiliated with gastric bypass patients. The moral of the lesson learned is to make sure you getting your liquids because I know from now own I am and I will get mine in. 


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