
Showing posts from July, 2013

Emotional eating

Ok I need to vent..For some reason today, I have been just snacking, snacking, snacking! I had a craving for some I ate a nestle crunch bar( I love the thin mint...girl scout limited flavor). I generally only eat 1/2 of the bar...I ate the entire bar! It has 16 grams of sugar in it....did it make me sick? No! A little bit later on...I wanted some Funyuns...did I eat them? Of course, I did! I generally refrain from eating them because they give me gas. Today, they did not!  As I reflect over today, WHY did I felt the need to eat the junk food? I had received some bad news and I guess that was my  emotions kicking in...instead of my brain... Was I hungry? Nope! sure wasn't! I felt the need to be honest with you..I always am willing to share my ups and downs of my journey...emotional eating is real and it is one of the demons that I constantly battle with. Tomorrow is a new day...and I am going to be conscience of my emotions and not turn to food for comfort... Whew! I

Protein balls

As you all know I am constantly on line searching for high protein recipes. I came across this recipe  on one of the sites that I frequently look at and I decided to give it a try: 1 cup fiber one cereal 1/2  cup peanut butter Two table spoons of cinnamon 1 scoop of chocolate protein powder  Take all ingredients and mix into balls then put in freezer to set.. They are sooo good.. Sort of crunchy and sweet.

No dough pizza

I simply could not wait to try this recipe! I found  this recipe on Facebook several days ago. I saved it to my FB page and decided to give the recipe a try.The aroma in my house smelled like Pizza Hut! I loaded the pizzas with  cheese, pepperoni, turkey crumbles, Ham, and onions...yummy! And best of all, it tastes like a real pizza with crust! I had to sample it! Delicious and carefully portion it out in my containers.   Crust  1 (8 oz) package of full fat cream cheese, room temperature  2 eggs  1/4 tsp ground black pepper  1 tsp garlic powder  1/4 cup grated parmesan cheese  Topping  1/2 cup pizza sauce  1 1/2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese  toppings - pepperoni, ham, sausage, mushrooms, peppers  Garlic powder  Preheat oven to 350.  Lightly spay a 9×13 baking dish with cooking spray. With a handheld mixer, mix cream cheese, eggs, pepper, garlic powder and parmesan cheese until combined. Spread into baking dish. Bake for 12-15 minutes, our until golden brown. Allow crust to cool for

A great protein snack

Look what I found at Aldi.. An excellent high protein snack. $6.79 a bag, I cooked them tonight for dinner. I am going back tomorrow to get another bag . They sort of remind me of the grilled nuggets at chick fil a. 

Two year annual check up

Today I went for my two year check up with my Surgeon... I received a clean bill of health . He gave me four habits for success 1. Always measure your meals 2. NO SNACKiNG 3. Eat protein rich meals.. Get in the 60-90 grams of protein each day.. Stop eating soft foods that are full of calories and do not satisfy you 4. Exercise and get in 64 oz of water each day The long term effect of the gastric bypass is through food reduction! When one stops following the guidelines.. You will gain your weight back.. Follow the guidelines and you will not have to worry about regain . I have successfully maintained my weight for the last 2 years.. I must keep on pressing on!


Ugh! I made a poor choice and experienced dumping. When I dump, I get so sleepy and generally wake up very disoriented. I bought a fresh fruit tart from the Fresh Market. I ate 1/2 of the tart I did not think I would effect me Boy I wrong! It made me so sleepy! I went to sleep for 3 hours.Even though the tart was a fruit tart, the fruit is a  carbohydrate and it turns to sugar.. Which in turn causes my blood sugar to go up and causes me to go to sleep.. Wrong choice!  Another lesson well learned! I do not like how I feel after I dump, so I try to make the right choices.. I am human so sometimes you have to learn from your mistakes.. You better believe  I have learned my lesson!

A summer time favorite: home grown tomatoes and cucumbers


A typical day in my pouch

Breakfast: a slice of turkey bacon,  3 oz. cinnamon raisin oatmeal, a slither of a nectarine Lunch: turkey burger slider, 2 oz broccoli and cheese  Snack: homegrown cucumbers and tomatoes with red wine vinegar Dinner: protein shake

Turkey Burger Mini Sliders

I have always enjoyed eating burgers. Wendy's Big classic with a Kaiser bun extra ketchup, extra pickle, split in half is my absolute positive favorite. Since having gastric  bypass I had to find another healthy alternative. It is rare that I order a burger at any restaurant, so if I order one, I always split it in half and eat only 1/2 of the serving. I also take and only eat 1/2 of the 1/2 bun. While I was in Kroger, I came across these 100% whole  wheat slider mini buns. I use them with a full size turkey burger. Each mini bun is 70 calories and has 13 carbs It gives me a smaller version to eat yeah! Score!! 

Steinmart deals

Steinmark is my favorite store!!! I bought three dresses last summer all for under $20.00!  Being that I I wear a size 4 or 6.. I always find the best deals!! I am loving it!!! It cost me more to have the dresses altered than what I paid for them. So this season, hopefully, I will luck up and find some petites dresses that will not have to be altered. 

Sugar free Jolly rancher mix in

Oh snap! Oops! look what I found.. It's delicious! I take them and place them in the freezer and they taste Like a icee.. Getting my liquids is a challenge for me so I look for creative ways to get it in.. I bought the mix ins at Family  Dollar.. I saw two flavors... Watermelon and green apple.. They are kind of tart..I like it! I also bought   Motts apple sugar free mix in from dollar general.. I haven't tryed  them yet.. Will try them before the weekend is out.

You are NEVER to old to learn!

Today I took my daughter, my niece,and nephew skating. So today I decided to give it a try. I always felt I was too big to skate. I always  sit down snd watch. today I decided to get off of the sidelines and   get into the game.I always take my daughter skating;however, today I decided to give it a try. Did I fall? Of course, I did. Was it fun? Yes, it was! And I most definitely will give it a try again... Because I am never to old to learn! I am still growing and learning!

Sugar free syrup

Today I saw this in bed, bath, and beyond ... I wonder how it tastes? It was $5.99. I am always looking for great bargains ...please let be know if anyone has  tried it. 

Blood work

Prior to having gastric bypass, I had two pulmanory embolisms and one dvt... So in lay and terms it mean the rest of my life I must take Coumadin (blood thinners).Every month since having surgery,  I always come the first week of the month and have my pt checked and get a b12 shot. It took a while for my blood levels to regulate.. Thank God.. The ladies at the lab know me by my name.. Lol Today, I am having my labs done for my annual check up. I have my baratric labs done twice a year to make sure that all everything is within normal limits. After having gastric bypass, one must take  vitamins, such as calcium citrate, and b12, and/ or iron to ensure optimum health. My thought process on it is.. Just do it! Taking my vitamins are just a regular routine.. Just like brushing my teeth... Just do it! 

NSV (Non Scale Victory)

LOOK AT ME!!! I can sit on the couch and cross my legs... Sounds corny... huh.. Well 123 lbs ago I couldn't do it... NOW I CAN!!!! Thank God for all victories both small and large.

My latest obsession

Lately I have been drinking coffee. ALOT OF COFFEE! TOO TOO MUCH COFFEE! Somehow I have been going to Starbucks getting a skinny sugar free cinnamon dolce frap...I can make it at home ; however, I enjoy the relaxing atmosphere at Starbucks. This obsession will not last too long because spending my hard earned money on coffee drinks is not in my Lil 

100 calorie snacks- Special K pastry crisps: cookies and creme

These are delicious!! Not too much sugar... 7grams and only 100 calories.. Totally great portable snack! They sort of taste like Oreos.