Weight loss Do's and Dont's

Tonight I am really feeling myself. I have been home all day relaxing. This past couple of weeks have been busy for me. I decided that today I was going to relax and enjoy myself around the house. Look at pictures on Istagram, search Facebook, watch Netflix, read a book, organize closets. I wanted to do the things that I enjoy but ALWAYS put on the back burner. My daughter and I sat around the house all day in PJ's. It is the little things in life that matters. All this week I have been ripping and running. It was time for some ME TIME!! As I reflect, I started looking at old pictures. Comparing the old and the new. I decided that I must look forward to the future and stop looking at the past. No bitter feelings..Keep it moving~ On my two year anniversary, I had a photo-shoot done in Duluth, Ga. Below are some of the pictures the photo shoot and current pictures from this summer. I call them my accountability photos. I love the way I look and must stay accountable for my actions.
As I was strolling through
Facebook, I am a member of various weight loss groups  and one group discussion was on how not to regain your weight after having surgery. No one is immune from regain. I started thinking about the The do's and don't's of WLS, let me tailor it to me and my WLS journey:

Weight loss Do's
  1. Do enjoy life..do not make food or the scale your center of the universe
  2. Measure your portions
  3. Eat protein first
  4. Drink, drink, drink~ keep your body hydrated
  5. Get active: find an exercise that you enjoy and do it ( mine is walking~ I got to have some Pandora and it's on and popping)At first, I was into Zumba, now my favorite exercise is walking.
  6. Keep a food dairy~be honest with yourself~because THIS IS YOUR BODY~accountability is the key!
  7. Take pictures frequently~ notice the gradual changes
Weight loss Don'ts
1.Do not measure or compare yourself to others
2. Do not drink with meals
3. Do not snack..if you must, make sure it is a protein packed snack
4. Do not go prolonged periods of time with out eating
5.Do not beat up yourself for having a bad meal or a bad day, start over the next meal or on the next day. Prior to having surgery, I would always start my diets on Monday, I never wanted to start on the weekend. Now I realize that food choices are important..everyday and every meal..DO NOT PUT IT OFF...Just Do It!..TODAY not tomorrow or on Monday..lol


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