
Showing posts from 2015

Christmas Eve selfie

It's Christmas Eve!!! 

School is out!!!

Ok, I am officially off of work until next year! Yesss! However, I MUST put myself on a schedule so that I will stay on track. Too many little parties, eating fast food on the fun, and not drinking my water will ultimately lead to regain. So, I will set a timer on my phone for meals( this will help with grazing). Hopefully, this will keep me on track while I am out on winter break! Remember, Jesus is the reason for the season! Enjoy!

5 Pounds

I haven't jumped on the scale in a while. I was elated this morning when I jumped on the scale this morning~ The 5 pounds that I've been stressing ~ is GONE!!!!! Now the hard part, gotta keep them off.

Home made slider goodness

My type of burger! Small but tasty, I had a pound of hamburger meat and I whipped up these lil small slider burgers. A bariatric friendly burger! Before you ask, Yessssss  I ate the whole burger!!! 


These are addictive!

Super woman

God places the right people, in the right place, and AT THE RIGHT time. I had a conference with a parent on a Friday afternoon AFTER work hours!!! I really did not want to talk with the parent because I was so engrossed with my issues, what I needed to do, what I wanted, etc. I have a to do list at least a mile long. However, the meeting with the parent was beneficial for me as well as beneficial for the parent and her child.  One of the similarities was discussed was single parenting. (Both she and I are single parents) we discussed how hard it was to balance everything: jobs, kids, school, dating, aging parents, just handing life in general. I told her I most   definitely could relate.  As a parent, we want the best for our kids. We want our kids to be be self sufficient. However sometimes it can  be tiring to say the same thing over and over again. I shared with her that I am a firm believer in prayer. Every morning before my feet hit the floor,I must start my day...

White chicken chili

My chicken chilli is good darn good!!! I have been craving some and decided to make some for my lunch for the week. I placed them in 9.5 ounce containers so that I can keep myself in check with portion control. This week has been kind of busy so I haven't been to the gym any!!! ( I know right) NOT ANY!!!! I most definitely will be in there tomorrow morning though! I gotta get it together! I enjoy walking in my neighborhood but I am paying $53.00 for a gym membership that I gotta use!!! I do not have money to throw away! Until next time, take care!

Afternoon snack idea

I found these today at my neighborhood Big Lot's. They have 5 sugars and 8 grams of protein. Not bad ! I like coffee! So of course I thought they were yummy. 



Selfie, selfie. Let me take a selfie!!


Getting it in!!!!


Sugar free cinnamon frap

I had to stop by Starbucks to treat myself today. Sugarfree cinnamon frap with 2 scoops of protein. 

My new work out buddy

Often times I enjoy walking by myself. I totally enjoy the quiet time and find it quite relaxing. This morning I got a late start and opted  to walk in the late afternoon. My mini me and I got in the best work out. We walked, jogged, and laughed  the entire way. I love every minute of it!

Perception changes

 This post is really not directly weight loss related, but during my mediation this morning before work, I started to reminese about my childhood. My cousins, friends,  and I would  spend countless hours playing  outside. Often times we would sit on the porch and "play pretend" games. We often would say, "the next car that is going come by is going to be my car", or  If in a car, the next house that we pass would be my house or the type of house that we would like in. We would often get the Jcpenny Christmas book and would have our Christmas list all made out based on what we wanted.  As we got older,Often times, we would chastise each other about relationship and boy friends . We would often discuss how things were going to be when we were grown women. Let me fast forward   about  25 years. We are ALL successful  women doing  our own thing!!!   Often I look over my life, my mistakes and the obstacles that I have overcome and I real...


I got a Fitbit!!!! An awesome way to track your steps, water intake, and food intake.

4 year post op check out

This week, I went to my baratric surgeon for my four year check up.   He assured me that I was doing everything that I needed to do. He gave me 4 tips for long term success. 4 weight loss surgery success habits:  1. Limit portion sizes by measuring foods AT ALL TIMES!  2. No snacking if possible, limit them to 2 planned snacks a day ( fresh fruit or veggies, limit carb intake) 3. Drink an adequate amount of water 4. Exercise 

7-11 sugar free slush

Every time I visit my boyfriend must stop by the 7-Eleven and get me one of these cold sugar free slurpees. Yummy to my tunmie on a hot summer day!

4 years post op

Whew!!! I can't believe it!!! Time has flown by quickly! 4 years ago, I made the decision to have weight loss surgery. It was and IS the best decision that I have EVER made!!!! I do not regret it! Not one little bit! You see, weight loss surgery is not a quick fix but it is a tool to assist in getting healthy. Has it been a struggle? Absolutely! Did I have to change my eating habits ? Absolutely! Do I exercise? Absolutely! Do I make mistakes? Absolutely? Am I perfect? Absolutely NOT! I am a work in progress and will continue to work on and keep on moving! I will continue to advocate for others as well as myself to be an example of living healthy. 

Annual labs

One important part of this "lifetime commitment" is  annual lab work. The tech took 10 vials of blood. Depending on insurance, some times labs can be costly,however, they are vital. Post gastric bypass, one must be able to look at trends in labwork to addess problems tham might arise.  I generally have my labs taken twice a year around June and December.

Water intake

Whew!!! It's hot in here!!! Gotta get it in!!!! 

Hidden sugars

Omg!!! Look at the sugar content in this one coke!! Yesterday, my daughter wanted a little small juice. I read the label 23 grams of sugar in a little 5 oz container.  Too much!!!! Previously, I was never a label reader. Okay occasionally I would look at calories,okay usually I would look at carbs, it wasn't until I had gastric bypass that I realize that limiting  sugar intake would assist me in my weight loss journey.  Am I perfect, of course not. But I realize that soda, and juices have a lot of hidden sugars and can cause weight gain. 

Summer vacation

It Is summer vacation and I am ecstatic!!! However, when I am off work I must place myself on a schedule . If not, I constantly Eat, snack, smack ,nimble chew allllll day long!!!  Ok you get the point... lol. 

Frozen yogurt

I enjoy eating frozen yogurt! Tastes good and refreshing on a sunny day in Ga. 7.5 ounces of sugar free goodness!

Happy Mother's Day


weight loss friendly fajitas

Last week, I purchased a fajita kit from Publix. Today I finally got a chance to make the fajitas. Yeah, I will admit the sodium content is a lit bit high..but they are so yummy. I put steak, chicken, yellow squash, zucchini squash , bell peppers, onions, and tomatos in it. I really love Mexican food especially when I can put my own twist on it! I placed 8 ounce servings in containers for lunch for the rest of the week.if you do not plan, then you plan to fail! 

More grocery store finds


A lil retail therapy

I am exhausted,but tomorrow is Friday and  I stopped by Starbucks for a sugar free cinnamon frap with a double scoop of protein. 

Darn head hunger

 Gurr!!! Head hunger is no joke!!!! What's really wrong with my head tonight??? Craving chips, honey buns, and brownies at 10:00.... Am I going to give in??? Unfortunately, I did! 

Sweet potato and black bean chili


A lil sum thing sweet

My BFF came over a couple weeks ago and cooked some cinnamon rolls. When I was at the grocery store,I bought me some. I couldn't wait to come home and cook them.... Mum! it just smells and tastes so yummy! Thank God Walked one mile this morning to work it off. Something sweet on Monday!

Gulp, drink, gulp= hydrate your body!!!

During the summer months, I find it difficult to drink all of my liquids. I saw these at SAMs  for $12.48. A great bargain for 24 bottles of sugar free powerAde. I put them in the freezer to get them really cold to assist with staying hydrated. 

Soul food

Today I went to a local restaurant and I wanted some fried fish for lunch. When I got to the restaurant, the fish would not be done for another 10 minutes. Therefore, I decided to treat myself.  I ordered a plate of food that I have not had since having weight-loss surgery. I ordered rice with gravy, macaroni and cheese, cabbage and turnip-green mixture, hamburger steak with gravy, sweet tea, and banana pudding. I have enough on this plate for three or four more meals. This is not the type of food that I would eat every day. But I feel it is fine for an occasional treat. It is funny because as soon as I started eating, I realized that this behavior is what Led me to have surgery. Yes, my eyes were bigger than my appetite . I also acknowledged that even though the food was in front of me, I  limited my portion intake.( yay me!!!)    Anyhow, I just thought I would share with you that little small tidbit for lunch. Well my spring break is quickly coming to a close....

Spring break baby!

Oh yes!! I am officially on spring break!  My plans are just to relax, relax, and relax some more! This girl is tired and over due for a break! I currently have lost 4 of the 6 lbs that I gained over the winter. My game plan for the break is: increase my water intake, exercise daily, and eat my meals on a schedule. I got my alarm set on my phone. If it is not meal time, I am not eating! I know that it is head hunger and that I am not feeding into that issue. 

The first day of spring

Yeah ! It's is the first of spring. I got up clean my house!!! Started the day off with 10 oz of water! I won this cup from my insurance company. I plan on using it to increase my liquids.

Making time 4 ME!!!

Often times single parents spend  countless hours doing things for others, for their kids, and other family members. It is imperative that some time is carved in ones schedule to take time to cultivate, nurture, and themselves. My philosophy is that : I must keep it moving. 

It's My Birthday!!!

Yeah baby!!! It's my birthday and I am 40 years young!!!! This opens a new chapter in my life: 40 is the new 20. I am confident in who I am as a person, I most definitely never ever sweat the small stuff, always keep God FIRST!! Life is all about living, enjoying, and loving. I embrace being 40 with open arms, I anticipate with the future will hold for me.With gusto,  I shall leap forward!

Missing my gym time!

I never would have thought in 1 million years I would actually miss going to the gym. Unfortunately I have not been any this week. It has been so cold that every morning I haven't been. I know this is not an excuse, however it's the one that I am using for now... Lol... Seriously, I will make sure get it in this weekend!!! I am ready for the warm, spring weather!!

Because I'm "THE MOM"

Because I am the mom... That's why!!! What's understood does not need to be explained!!!

Another aha moment

Wow! reflecting about me and my weight-loss journey or should I say my journey for better fitness or better health, I have tried about every last program to lose weight: Jenny Craig, weight watchers, PHC , various gyms, various trainers, and every last weight-loss book recipe book that you can think of in the book.  ( beloved it or not, all of those boks are in my attic) I made the choice to have weight-loss surgery! Aha !  As I sit here and reflect I recall  attending or joining Jenny Craig.  One main focus was on portion control and exercise. I recall the counselor talking to me about portion control and serving amounts. I never FULLY understood her until looking at now and how I am eating after surgery. I am 4 years post op. I am still with in 10 lbs of my lowest weight. Some times I get a little down because my clothes do not fit like I want them to fit... That's  when I think about the BIG PICTURE ! It took or it takes everything that I have learned and eve...

My boyfriend ROCKS!

There is nothing like having a best friend who knows and understands you and what you are going through. My boyfriend knows that red velvet cake is my absolute favorite!!! On Christmas he brought me a tiny slither of cake that his mother had prepared. The cake was moist, fluffy, and yummy! I do not eat a lot of cake on a normal basis but red velvet is my favorite! Hands down!

Healthy Recipe: Cannellini Beans and Chorizo

Omg! While searching the Internet the other day I found  Healthy Recipes: Cannellini Beans and Chorizo: I could not  wait to prepare this recipe! At first I wasn't sure if I was going to like it because the sausage is extremely greasy. However, once I added the beans, Green,and red pepper along with minced garlic and black pepper... It came out marvous!! I served the beans and sausage with some sweet potato chips. Delicious and healthy foods rock!! Below is my lil 4 oz portion. 

Selfie, selfie, let me take a selfie.... Lol


I know it really has been a while but...

I have been busy. My daughter became ill over the holidays and my blog just took a back seat. However, now she is better and I am getting back on track. I attended an eating well event on this past week. The dietitian prepared a delicious meal. Sweet potato and black bean chili served over brown rice and salmon patties with dill dressing. Healthy food that taste great!!! I can't wait to replicate these recipes! 

It's A NEW YEAR... 2015

I am the one that needs the reality check! One of my goals for 2015 is to get back on track. I haven't been to a support group meeting for a while and tonight I attended the meeting. I filled out a self assessment on post op care for wls patients. Then wrote some smart goals to assist with getting back on track. The focus of the meeting was to get back on track and start the year off correctly.